Ditch the tropical vacation; visit Ecuador and climb three volcanoes this winter!

How to Prepare for a Horse Trekking Holiday

Horse trekking holidays are starting to become very popular with active holidaymakers. These trips offer a unique blend of adventure and nature, not to mention a profound connection with animals.

Think about it for a moment and imagine traversing some of the most wild landscapes in the world atop one of the most respected creatures in natural history. Sounds EPIC, right?

However, horse trekking is not something you can just jump into haphazardly as this type of adventure requires preparation beyond just physical fitness. Understanding the needs of the horses, managing your gear, and ensuring safety are all integral to having a successful experience.

In this guide, we cover everything from the essentials to fitness requirements and safety tips, ensuring that you are well-prepared for your next horse trekking adventure. With the right mindset, equipment, and knowledge, you’ll be ready to enjoy truly awe-inspiring places while riding alongside some magnificent animals.

What is a Horse Trekking Holiday?

A horse trekking holiday is pretty much what it sounds like: a multi-day trip that involves (in varying degrees) a mix of regular trekking and horse riding.

Some holidays may involve more or less actual horse riding. Regardless of how much time you actually spend on the horse, you can expect to be walking on your own for some part of the trip. A lot of the time, it’s just a matter of getting on and off the horse whenever you feel like it, although you’ll want to allow the animals their own breaks for water, food, and rest.

Like regular trekking, the goal of horse trekking is to get from point A to B. Worth noting is that horses, and other pack animals for that matter, cannot go everywhere that a human can go. Technical terrain and steep, slippery scrambles are generally a no-go for the four-legged equines. That being said, we have seen well-trained horses cross mountain passes in the Karavshin region of Kyrgyzstan with the help of special equipment and skilled handlers.

Getting Ready for Horse Trekking

Horse trekking is not a crutch for people who prefer not to walk. In fact, horse trekking may arguably be more demanding than regular trekking because there is more for you to manage.

Those wanting to take part in a horse riding holiday will still need to prepare for it, including getting in shape, having the right gear, and understanding how to interact with your animal partners.

Choosing the Right Gear for Your Horse Trek

Most of the gear you’ll bring on a horse trek is the same that you would bring on a regular trek. That means layers, shelter, sleeping arrangements; the usual items for outdoor adventures.

When it comes to clothing, you’ll want to make sure you have a few items in particular:

  • Long pants – Shorts are usually not a good idea when horse riding. Loose-fitting jeans or a rugged pair of hiking pants are good options.
  • Wide-brimmed hat – You’re going to be completely exposed to the sun while riding so make sure you have something that will shade your head properly.
  • Rain poncho – It’s a little bit more difficult changing when you’re on a horse so if a rainstorm should happen suddenly, you’ll need a waterproof layer that goes on and off easily.

If you’d like to see a sample packing list from a program that involves both hiking and horse riding, our Mongolia one is full of good recommendations.

Luckily and unless you’ve brought your own horses, you can expect that the horse handlers you’re working with will provide all of the riding equipment e.g. stirrups, saddles, panniers, etc. Kitchen equipment is sometimes included and sometimes not so make sure you clarify this beforehand.

Getting Comfortable with Horses

Horses are notoriously sympathetic animals that can seemingly sense emotion like it was a sixth sense. The old saying goes that “horses can smell fear” and there are even studies to back this up.

Your emotional state will definitely affect how your horse trekking experience goes. Being tense and anxious while riding will make horses uncomfortable and uncomfortable horses are not usually easy to ride. Calm nerves, a good bedside manner, a relaxed attitude, and patience will all serve you well and help to keep the horse feeling relaxed too.

trekking in kyrgyzstan

We understand that horses can be intimidating. They’re big, heavy creatures that really ruin you and your day if they feel like it; but, luckily, most horses don’t want this. If you treat these animals with the same respect and admiration as you would any other creature or human being, they should do the same for you.

We recommend spending some time getting to know your steed before actually trying to ride it. Ask the trainer what the horse’s disposition is like and then interact with it safely from the ground. Show the horse that you’re not afraid of it and that you intend to treat it well. Getting off on the right foot with them is the first step in developing a healthy (and safe) relationship.

Staying Fit

Riding a horse is not an excuse to check out and let the horse do all the work. Just because someone is not carrying the gear and transporting themself with their own two feet, doesn’t mean they’re not required to be active.

Riding is work – staying stable and giving the horse directions while atop it requires physical exertion. Ask anyone who’s ridden a horse for more than a few hours and they’ll say they’re usually sore afterwards.

You should continue working out leading up to a horse trekking vacation. In particular, targeting the lower body and core will be very helpful as you’re often standing in the saddle and stabilizing yourself while bouncing around. For that matter, you’ll need to have the leg strength to boost yourself up on top of the horse in the first place.

We recommend doing all of the usual exercises for horse trekking as you would normal trekking. That means squats, lunges, stairs, light deadlifts, and so on. Improve your stabilizing muscles by doing core workouts and soft-contact activities like yoga, pilates, and swimming.

Cross the legendary Mongolian Steppes with Epic

Every year, we organize trekking and horse riding tours in the Altai Mountains of Western Mongolia.

Staying Safe while Riding Horses

It should go without being said but it bears repeating: horses are wild animals. Riding them adds a whole extra dimension to hiking and doing so should be taken with all seriousness.

That being said, horse trekking is not the riskiest thing you can do on a holiday. (Buffets at Mexican resorts on the other hand…) If you know what you’re getting yourself into and don’t do anything foolish, you’re much more likely to have a fun and safe active vacation.

Knowing Your Limits and the Horse’s Capabilities

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable around horses – they can be scary animals. We still recommend introducing yourself to one and getting to know it and its handler a bit before riding. You’d be surprised what a little snack, a gentle pet, and some reassuring words can do to calm these beasts.

Crucially, new horse riders should also be on tamer horses. Getting a bucking bronco or an unbroken stallion for your first ride is a sure way to create lifelong trauma, not to mention suffer a potentially serious injury. Getting tossed from a horse is never fun.

Don’t feel obligated to go full gallop either. Galloping can be dangerous and the faster you’re going the harder it is to control your mount. Start off easy by just letting the horse walk and then work your way into a trot or canter. If you’re starting to feel confident and the guide gives you the green light, then give the horse a light kick and go into a gallop.

On that note, the commands you might give a horse are not necessarily universal, especially in the more remote corners of the world. For example, the cues taught to horses in Kyrgyzstan are very different from those in Pakistan, with the latter relying upon practices passed down by the English.

Always go over commands with the trainer before getting on the horse. At that rate, you might also ask what the horse’s triggers or behaviors are if any exist. Horses have personalities too and no one likes to deal with a stubborn or spiteful one at that.

Dealing with Challenges on the Trek

Horse trekking is a unique experience that entails unique demands. Days can be long, bodies can start to hurt, and tempers can flare between both men and beasts alike.

Truth is: there is something truly special about forming a bond with another creature and relying on them to accomplish something.

trekking in kyrgyzstan

For much of human civilization, horses have been there; helping us to till fields, travel long distances, and vanquish enemies. The Mongols conquered much of the Eurasian continent thanks to horses and we can’t help but feel like a warrior thundering across the Steppes on our Mongolian expeditions.

Will every day be a walk in the park complete with picnic baskets and a bottle of brut rose? Probably not. But if you can embrace the realities of a horse trek and take them in stride, you might find something more out of it, like camaraderie, new perspectives, and plenty of adventure.

What to Expect on a Horse Trek

A horse trekking holiday definitely feels and is managed a little differently than regular hiking trips. Although the days typically go the same, some little differences can make the former a little more out-of-the-norm (but also more enjoyable in a lot of ways).

Here’s what you can expect when planning your next vacation around horses.

Daily Routine and Itinerary

In between campsites, horse trekking can feel very much like regular trekking. You’ve got a trail or general direction to follow, you take intermittent breaks, have lunch, and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Having a horse to tend to is a significant extra element in your routine of course. Horses must take breaks as well, drink water, and fuel up with grass. For that matter, horses usually need to stick to a certain type of terrain. If an obstacle is obstructing your path, simply going over it with the horse in tow is not so straightforward.

You’ll need to consider your bestial familiar’s needs when planning out your day. Breaks will need to include grazing areas, water will need to be accessible, and certain areas that horses can’t access might require reroutes. Luckily, the horses’ keepers are usually on top of the situation and already have a plan – you’ll just need to keep an open mind and go along for the ride.

Ready to discover the Celestial Mountains?

Join us in Kyrgyzstan for some epic trekking and horse riding! We'll show you how amazing it is here.

Making and Breaking Camp

Setting up camp with horses usually entails a few extra steps. Aside from setting up your own sleeping arrangements and cooking areas, your horses will also need to be tied up somewhere close by, preferably where there is grass and water.

Throughout the course of your stay at camp, the horses will also need to be moved around because, eventually, they will have eaten all of the grass around them. (If you haven’t already caught on by now, horses will need to eat A LOT of grass.)

Again, tending to the horses is not so tedious because the handlers do most of the work. They’ll be the ones to find suitable pastures for the animals and move them around, even in the middle of the night. These folks care deeply for these creatures and will pay them plenty of attention. You can help with daily chores, which will probably be appreciated, but most of the time you can usually relax at camp.

More Tips for Enjoying the Journey

Keep the following in mind to make your horse riding experience even more enjoyable:

  1. Days might be very long – You will most likely be covering more ground on horses than on foot, and it might be the case that you need to go further to reach the right campground. Riding 20 miles in a day is not underheard of. Be prepared for the occasional long hauls.
  2. Expect to be sore – Seriously, your hips, legs, and especially your glutes are going to hurt after the first few days. Constantly bumping up and down when trotting, squeezing your thighs to hold on, and standing in the saddle is going to add up. Remember to take care of yourself and get lots of rest at camp.
  3. Listen to the guide or horse handler – They know best about the horses and the terrain. If they tell you to go a certain direction or ride the horse a certain way, do that.
  4. Don’t expect to gallop all the time – Galloping is one of the most exciting parts of riding a horse and there are few things more enjoyable than going as fast as possible on an open plain. But remember: horses get fatigued too. Prolonged galloping can be hard on them and exhaustion can be a killer. Treat them like you would your own child and don’t run them ragged.
  5. You can get on and off as you want – Who says you need to go the entire distance on a horse? If you don’t want to ride, then get off. You can walk as much as you need to and then mount up again when ready. The horse would probably appreciate the break as well.
  6. Do your research – Know where you’re going and what kind of horse trekking experience awaits you. The jailoos of Kyrgyzstan and the Altai region of Mongolia offer world-class horse riding opportunities. In other places, maybe not so much.

Make Your Next Horse Riding Holiday an Epic One

Horse trekking is more than just a holiday; it’s a totally immersive experience that will leave a lasting impression in you. It will challenge both body and mind while fostering a deep connection with nature and animals.

And while physically and sometimes emotionally demanding, horse trekking rewards participants with breathtaking views, a unique perspective on the landscape, and the joy of working alongside one of the most admired animals ever.

As with any adventure, preparation is key: from physical training to selecting the right gear to garnering a deep understanding of horses. By respecting the capabilities and limitations of both yourself and these creatures, you’ll increase the odds of having a safe, not to mention thrilling, trip.

Epic Expeditions offers several programs that feature horse trekking. Contact us today to find the right one for you!

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The trip we're most stoked about

K2 Base Camp

Pakistan Strenuous 21 Days

Adventure Guide

Hailing from the Toronto region of Eastern Canada, with a background as a former standout athlete (hockey of course) and a  love of mountain adventure, Clark is a welcomed addition to the Epic team.

In addition to being a keen photographer and adventurer, Clark brings his brilliant sense of humor, leadership skills, and positive attitude to everything he puts his mind to. 

When he is not leading trips, he is working on taking over the hard apple cider game in Canada as a skilled craft brewer. 

Adventure Guide

Noemi grew up in the mountains of German-Speaking Switzerland where she naturally developed a deep love and respect for mountain environments.

She is a talented photographer, aspiring climber, and speaks at least 5 languages fluently including Arabic (and probably a few more that we don’t know about), which she taught herself in a matter of months by watching YouTube videos. 

Noemi has spent the last several years traveling, hiking, and photographing her way around many different countries in the Middle East, South and Central Asia, and Europe, and we could not be more stoked to welcome her to the Epic team! 

Adventure Guide

As our man on the ground in Mongolia, there is not much this legend can’t do. As a native the Bayan-Ölgii province of the Western Mongolia Altai, Syerik has been working as a guide and tourism entrepreneur…

for the past several years and is one of the rising stars in Mongolia adventure travel industry. 

He is currently building a beautiful Ger (Yurt) camp near his hometown where he will host Epic Mongolia team members on our trip as well as other travelers from around the world! 

He is the perfect guide for your trip to Mongolia. Serik did an amazing job giving us a well rounded experience in the Altai NP region and down in the Gobi…
The food was fantastic and Serik gave us many opportunities to learn about the Kazakh culture in that region including traditional meals. (I can’t recommend enjoying the milk tea enough!)

– Coastal

Head of canine operations

Choriza started off life as a care-free vagabond on the streets of Madeira Island without any place to call home. From the moment we met her, we knew this dog was just different, and it was pretty much love at first sight. 

She gave up the dog street life in favor of joining her new dad Chris to become a full-time member of the Epic family towards the end of 2022.

These days she can be found listening in on the fringes of important Epic business meetings while half-asleep on the couch. She is a keen hiker, lover of mud, rare steak, and might just be the sweetest little dog we have ever seen. 

Adventure Guide

An experienced trek leader and
IFMGA aspirant ski guide, avid alpine climber, devoted adventure photographer.

Organized and guided trekking expeditions, climbs and ski tours in Tajikistan’s Pamirs, Patagonia, Peru, Morocco, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Georgian and Russian Caucasus and Kamchatka.

A full member and meets the organiser of the British Alpine Club. Visited over 40 countries, lived in the UK for four years. Certified first-aider.

We joined Andrew on a fantastic trip to the Fann Mountains in Tajikistan, pure nature and magnificent scenery! Andrey was super prepared and led us safely up and down numerous passes and through some rough and icy cold rivers. Thank you for a very memorable trip, your planning and prep was excellent!

– Monika Steinlechner

epic expeditions team

Adventure Guide

Our man in Nepal, Sandip is what we like to call a “Swiss Army Knife”. There is not much Sandip can’t do when it comes to helping Epic to run our expeditions smoothly in Nepal.

His tireless work ethic, passion for all things trekking in the Himalayas, and smart decision-making mean that Sandip is a truly invaluable member of our team.

Sandip is passionate about showing visitors to his country an amazing time, and he goes above and beyond to make sure that happens. 

His company Himalayan Masters is Epic’s trusted partner in Nepal and one of the country’s top new tour agencies.

We really enjoyed the entire journey, and I would like to say that Sandip is truly professional. He guided us and he is a hardworking person, providing us with the best service and taking care of each one of us. Plus, he is super funny! The kind of professionnal you always want to find on your path for your explorations! 

– Alexandra Ruth

Fairy Meadows

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Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?”

Our Favorite Experiences

#1 Sunrise from Reflection Lake

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

#2 Hiking to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

#3 Playing cricket with the locals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Trips Where We Visit Fairy Meadows

Our flagship Pakistani adventure tour.  Road trip with some  hiking and cultural immersion.

A trekking-style tour that features some very remote locations, inlcuding a K2 viewpoint.

Adventure Guide

João has born in the mountains of Madeira Islands in Portugal. Nature lover, writer, musician, guide, for him, a day without contact with outdoor vibes is a nightmare. 

With a degree in Cultural Studies in Portugal and a Master of Arts in Global Cultures and Creativity in the U.K.

João found out what really matters in life can be found on the trails, and in the contact with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Guiding, crazy trekking missions, and sharing observations about the natural world, – these are some of João’s passions. 

After trekking to K2 Base Camp and exploring all over Northern Pakistan, he fell in love with the country and the local people. His experiences resulted in his desire to share these feelings with the world.

João is one of the most experienced guides at Epic and his skillset and positive mindset in the mountains is second to none

When not in Pakistan, João is  guiding and exploring in the Madeira Islands trails –  discovering some of the hidden treasures on his Portuguese Island.

João I can not thank you enough for the off the beaten paths and views you keep giving. Definitely one of the most challenging and amazing hikes we did 1200m meters all the way up to Fanal forest and circling back to the hidden village. Wow!

– Jeffery 

travel hunza valley

Adventure Guide

Sohail is the newest addition to the Epic team and we are beyond stoked to have him on board. As a veteran of the Karakoram and a native of Karimabad in Hunza, there is not much Sohail can’t do in the mountains. 

Besides having the ability to speak more languages than we can count, Sohail has explored every corner of Gilgit Baltistan and logs more trekking miles 

in a year than most people will do in a lifetime. As of the summer of 2022, Sohail has summited Gasherbrum 1, Gasherbrum 2, and K2 – three of Pakistan’s five 8000-meter peaks. Sohail guides several trips including our annual bespoke expeditions but specializes in Hunza Valley tours.

Chris and Sohail, and the team at Epic are FANTASTIC! Highly recommend anyone to do a tour with ‘Epic’. They have the perfect balance of fun, excitement and wild adventures, tied in with being super professional and ensuring your safety/health in a foreign environment. Don’t waste a moment and book a tour with these guys as the value for money is UNREAL!

– Borgan

iran travel tour

Adventure Guide

Pedro’s been traveling all around the globe since 2009. His keen interests in documentary photography, rural life, and local people from different ethnic groups have been the focus of many of his professional projects.

Since 2012, he has developed his passion for travel and awesome shared experiences into a full-time adventure photography tour leader position.

Pedro has found himself continuously going back to the Middle East, with his likely favorite destination being Iran. Pedro lead his 11th tour in Iran with Epic in spring 2020

When Pedro’s not traveling the world with Epic Expeditions, you’ll find him based in the western south of Portugal planning he’s next adventure missions, logistics and working out his photos in local exhibitions.

 I loved the combination of hiking, camping around breathtaking scenery mixed with the cultural aspects. The guide (Pedro) is knowledgeable and work very hard to make the trip as memorable as possible. All in all an epic adventure with some extremely epic individuals! Go for it, you won’t regret it!

– Coastal

Diane Bouvet

Adventure Admin / Marketing

After fleeing from the corporate fashion world in Paris towards the start of 2020, Diane has been working as a web developer and graphic designer remotely from various bases across the globe

She brings all of her incredible design and organizational power to Epic Expeditions and is responsible for many of the beautiful behind-the-scenes design elements. 

Diane has been to Iran and to Pakistan twice including all over Gilgit Baltistan and KPK.

k2 gondogoro la trek

Head of Operations | Guide

A veteran of Pakistan travel, Ralph is an experienced guide, photographer and writer who specializes in documenting remote locations. 

Not one to simply go where everyone else does, he insists on exploring new and lesser-known areas.

Together with Epic Expeditions, he shows people parts of Pakistan that most other operators don’t even know about. He is particularly fond of the village of Barah, which he believes will become just as famous as Hunza one day.

Just got back from EBT’s Trekking Amongst Giants 15 day tour. The experience was first class. Ralph, our head guide, ensured that the entire trip ran smoothly and relatively on time (a bonus for anyone travelling in Pakistan). We had so many unforgettable days on the tour and the trekking was well-planned, safe but also a rewarding challenge. 

– Calvin

Traveling to a non-tourist destination can be a little intimidating but EBT takes all of the worry and trepidation away. From the pre-trip call to meeting the wonderful staff in person you can tell that you are dealing with a company that has a passion for what they do each and every day. Ralph, Zahid, and Khan were supportive, kind, and always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that everyone on the trip was getting what they wanted out of the experience.

– Katrina 

adventure tours pakistan

Founder | Adventure Guide | Director

Since he started exploring the world, Chris has been seeking out every shade of adventure in various parts of the globe and had visited more than 70 countries along the way. 

Over the last 10 years, Chris has logged more than 7000 trail miles across five continents and climbed multiple 6000 + 7000 meter peaks in Pakistan and Nepal.

A few years back, a distant dream and a deep passion for the mountains and the people of Pakistan led Chris to co-found Epic Expeditions at a time when foreign adventure tourism in Pakistan was almost nonexistent. Since then, Chris has guided more than 20 expeditions to various parts of Northern Pakistan.

Chris believes in using photography and powerful adventure experiences to dismantle negative stereotypes regarding what mainstream media considers “dangerous” countries while facilitating unique and meaningful memories in the mountains for countless people from around the globe. 

For him, an ideal start to the day begins with a steaming cup of good coffee, the beam of a headlamp, alpine boots, and a camera in hand.

He lives in Madeira Island when not leading expeditions in far-flung lands. 

Chris also works as a writer and photographer on his blog Off the Atlas – an adventure travel blog all about Pakistan.  

Read this interview our staff did with Chris to learn more about him!

Chris believes in Pakistan and its people, and he believes in the value of journeys shared with others and family cultivated on the road. Honesty and integrity are at the heart of what he does, and this really shines through in his work as a guide. He also makes great coffee – whether at 5am in an empty guesthouse or half way up a Himalayan peak.”

– Will De Villers

Pakistan is a magical country! Had 3 of the best weeks of my life thanks to Epic Backpacking Tours with owner, and one of our awesome guides, Chris. From detailed itinerary, preparation with an equipment list, and visa assistance. To amazing food, great porters, helpful guides, and great accommodations. Epic really hit home run after home run. […]

Their desire for adventure and amazing trip is just as high as yours. Bring a good pound of coffee for the trip. French press coffee every morning and no average tin coffee, plus you’ll be in your guides good books.

– Clark Tyler

epic backpacker tours

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